Happy 1st Birthday to Us
🎂It is so incredible that The Knitting Swan is now one year old! 🎂
This time last year I had just launched the website and made my first few sales. I still remember making my first sale to Jenny @the_knitted_wardrobe. There were some payment system issue at the time and Jenny was so graceful and patient as I fixed it 💞.
We wouldn't be where we are today without all of your support! Thank you so much!!! 🙏🏻😍
Special shout-out to Inga @knittingtraditions, Amy @ne_knits, Rui @luiyamamuro, Dorothy @a.dor.able_knits , Céline @woozybyceline and MANY OTHERS who gave us so much support and kindness and introduced The Knitting Swan to so many of you! ❤️
It is such an amazing thing to run a business in a field that I love and I am so grateful for the opportunity! Everyday I work hard to deliver the best products and customer service to you, and to create the value to provide livelihoods to our employees.
On this occasion, I'd like to show you one of the first project bags I sewed in the quest of finding the perfect one. I sewed this one with quilting fabric and was trying to create a standing bag. As you can see, the bag has gone through many tweaks to become what it is today 😍. (But who knows? I may still use this design again for something in the future.)